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April – 2016 – - Page 3

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So, you have read your Del Rey trade paperbacks of H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard. You might even have picked up the Penguin collection of Clark Ashton Smith stories. You keep hearing about a magazine called Weird Tales where Lovecraft and Howard’s stories first appeared. There is some curiosity if there were any […]

Last week, I came across something interesting in my WordPress Reader feed – Someone was starting a brand new pro-level science fiction magazine, Compelling Science Fiction, and was looking for submissions for their first issue.  As someone who was just tipping his toe into the SFF magazine market, I was more than a little intrigued, […]

Anne M. Pillsworth and Ruthanna Emrys over at have covered A. Merritt’s “The Woman of the Wood” and their reaction is I think indicative of just how far contemporary fantasy has strayed from the older styles. They look at this story and they have no idea how to categorize it. It’s that different from […]

DragonCon 2016 has launched a new award and invites all fans everywhere to participate: Welcome to the first annual Dragon Awards! As a part of our 30th Anniversary as the nation’s largest fan run convention, we are introducing a new way to recognize excellence in all things Science Fiction and Fantasy. These awards will be […]

Okay, this has been a tough week in wargaming for me. Alex has posted two installments on the classic space wargame Imperium– a game I’ve wanted to play for years. I’d heard that this was an excellent example of how to engineer a multi-war campaign, but he doesn’t think it’s worth playing a second time. […]

My dad and I concluded our campaign game of Imperium prematurely at the end of our second session. We began by playing the final turn of the first war, adjudicated the 1 turn interwar peace then played the subsequent war before putting the brakes on things. While I went with the strategy of buying as […]

While Anthony and I are dealing with the end of our semesters, Ben Zwycky, a fellow superversive author, will be holding down the fort. I’ll be back in a few weeks with something relevant, because I don’t think this is the right blog for a discussion about the filioque controversy. Without further ado, Part 1 […]