Fiction (Rough Edges): Years ago, I read several novels in the long-running BattleTech science fiction series, tales about a galaxy-spanning conflict between rival clans, fought mostly by giant robots piloted by humans who controlled them from a cockpit within the robot’s body. Kind of like giant tanks that could run around and punch each other […]
This is the third batch of stories examined from The Philip K. Dick Reader. “To Serve the Master” (Imagination, February 1956): Applequist is outside and finds a half-buried robot in a ravine. The robot is dead but not damaged. They were all thought destroyed years ago. Applequist lives in one of the underground cities run […]
“Behold…the engines of death ride the sky. Every day they grow more numerous. Unless our nation bands together and ceases this endless wandering…we will disappear forever from the planet Elekton.” – Trigo the Mighty In the 1930s, an alien spacecraft crashed into the Florida swamps, the crew frozen at their posts. After many years of […]
Army Rangers ambush orcs, judges enlist prisoners, and renegade swords clash in this week’s new releases. Beggar’s Rebellion (Empire of Resonance #1) – L. W. Jacobs The Councilate controls everything except the truth. With it, he shall destroy an empire. Tai Kulga lost the rebellion and his best friend on the same day, stripping him […]
Fiction (Ken Lizzi): I think a brief reminder is all that is needed here: Lin Carter was a gifted and prolific editor. One of the volumes he put together for The Adult Fantasy series was a book titled Golden Cities, Far. The introduction is one of his better efforts, and seems to have been exhaustively […]