Arkhaven Comics is pleased to announce the publication of the digital edition of Alt★Hero #4: The War in Paris. This marks the fifth of the 24 issues promised in the original Alt★Hero campaign, and we will release the sixth, Chuck Dixon’s Avalon #2, next week. The first paperback and hardcover omnibuses are expected to be sent to backers after the first six editions of Alt★Hero are completed in October.
Inspired by the German government’s crackdown on nationalists in Berlin, Antifa is now on the march in Paris. And despite being hunted by the police and the Global Justice Initiative, Jean-Michel Durand is determined to stand with his generation against the enemies of France. But how can even the most steadfast nationalists hope to stop Antifa when the riot police, a United Nations Incident Team, and Captain Europa himself stand in their way?
Alt★Hero is the first in an exciting new line of superhero comics from Arkhaven Comics.
From the early reviews:
- The best one yet. I thought this was going to be good, I didn’t expect it to be great.
- This story is shaping up to be epic. With the simultaneous events going on in the US and in Europe with its contemporary setting. I am liking everything I see and have been surprised by the story development. The story is developing, the artwork is improving, the coloring looks great and the visualization of the action, especially in Number 4, is striking.
- This has one of the best brouhahas I’ve seen in comics in quite awhile. Most of the fistfights I’ve seen lately end with one or two punches, and there isn’t any sense of risk or danger to the hero. But this one really gave you a sense like it could go either way. And I like the way Europa is presented as a man willing to take morally questionable actions, rather than a straight-up mustache-twirling villain.
- If this is the standard that Vox Day and his merry band of writers and artists intend to set and exceed with their next release, the future is looking very bright indeed for those of us who love good comics.
- The best yet. With this issue Alt*Hero fully hits its stride.
Two more issues to go before we send out the first paperback and hardcover omnibuses. It has taken a while, but we’re getting there.

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