The all new pulp magazine Storyhack is a go!
Bryce A Beattie has the latest news at his blog:
We’re down to the last little bit for the StoryHack campaign on Kickstarter. We’ve hit and gone a little over the goal! Issue #1 is getting made. Thank you to everybody who has helped this happen. The pledges, the retweets, the posts, all of it. I’m blown away by all of the support. Any extra funds from pledges now will go toward making issue #2.
For more details on how this project came to be, check out this interview with Bryce over at Jon Del Arroz’s blog!
If you still want to get behind this effort… there’s only forty hours left to join the party.
If you ever heard the horns of Elfland dimly blowing…
If you ever wanted to carry a kicking, half-naked wench under your arm…
If you ever felt like detonating a nuclear weapon on R’lyeh…
So what is the roundup now for venues that #pulprev people would like to read?
We have:
Lyonesse/Silver Empire
Heroic Fantasy Quarterly
and perhaps:
Broadswords & Blasters?
What else?
The first issue of ‘Occult Detective Quarterly’ had some good stuff in it, especially the Borges crossover by Joshua Reynolds.