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Sensor Sweep – - Page 27

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RPG (Modiphius): Horrors of the Hyborian Age is the definitive guide to the monstrous creatures inhabiting the dark tombs, ruined cities, forgotten grottos, dense jungles, and sinister forests of Conan’s world. This collection of beasts, monsters, undead, weird races, and mutants are ready to pit their savagery against the swords and bravery of the heroes […]

Writing (Black Gate): The hardboiled school was born in the page of Black Mask Magazine under the editorship of George W. Sutton, with Carroll John Daly’s “Three Gun Terry” (which I wrote about here…) and “Kings of the Open Palm,” and Dashiell Hammett’s “Arson Plus,” appearing in 1923. In 1924, Sutton resigned and circulation editor Phil Cody […]

Writing (Sacnoth’s Scriptorium): So, while revising to my Eddison piece I came across a striking passage that I’d either overlooked before or, more likely, read when the book in question (Paul Thomas’s edition of ERE’s ZIMIAMVIA) came out (in 1992) and since forgot. In a passage discussing the composition of THE MEZENIAN GATE, Paul describes […]

Fiction (Bleeding Fool): ‘Red Nails’ is a novella first serialized in 1936 in the July through October issues of Weird Tales, and the last of the tales of Conan the Barbarian penned by Robert E Howard, as well as one of the best. Some of the appeal of this yarn may be lost on any […]

Fiction (Adventures Fantastic): Tolkien was the subject of yesterday’s post.  He was a member of the famed group of writers known as the Inklings.  Another Inkling was Tolkien’s close friend C. S. Lewis, who was born this day, November 29, in the year 1898.  In light of yesterday’s post, I thought the above quote was […]

Fiction (Weekly Standard): In 1975, Christopher Tolkien left his fellowship at New College, Oxford, to edit his late father’s massive legendarium. The prospect was daunting. The 50-year-old medievalist found himself confronted with 70 boxes of unpublished work. Thousands of pages of notes and fragments and poems, some dating back more than six decades, were stuffed […]

Artists (DMR Books): Jim Steranko‘s eightieth birthday snuck up on me. Hard to believe that number, because he’s still out there rollin’ like a boss. Jim is possibly the coolest eighty-year-old I know of. This is a last-minute post, so I’ll have to keep things brief. I first became aware of Jim in fifth grade […]

Popular Culture (Men of Violence): Historical fiction special! Vikings! Roman soldiers! Pirates! Swash-buckling soldiers of fortune!68 pages, all colour, packed with reproductions of rare and unusual paperbacks.Articles, reviews, interviews and features on Casca, Gardner Fox, Henry Treece, Talbot Mundy, Rosemary Sutcliff, Rafael Sabatini and forgotten cover artists.         Fiction (DMR Books): Awhile […]

Publishing (DMR Books): We’re now open for submissions! You have until the end of November to send us your best sword and sorcery stories. All the details can be found here. We’re looking forward to discovering some talented new authors! Fiction (DMR Books): Author John Myers Myers passed on thirty years ago today. If for no other […]

Fiction ( This is the first volume collected and illustrated by Kurt Brugel. The short stories collected in the volume are from Mr. Fox’s earliest (1944) to his last story published (1982). There are all types of stories being told. They range from 2 spooky/creepy (The Weirds of the Woodcarver and Rain, Rain, Go away!), […]

Fiction (Everyday Should be Tuesday): “You may talk of cities and justice all you wish.  Tonight, the pagan wins.  My anger will be sated and these  wicked people brought to ruin.” Mortu and Kyrus in the White City is a new novella out from Cirsova standout Schuyler Hernstrom, the first in a planned series equally sword […]

Fiction (Black Gate): There are guilty pleasures, and there are guiltier pleasures, and then there are the pleasures that have you wearing an orange jumpsuit and standing in front of a stone-faced judge with your hands and feet shackled together, wretchedly staring at the floor, unable to look anyone in the eye, so tongue-tied with […]