Our good friend Daddy Warpig isn’t the only one who can be passionately but rationally and analytically disgusted by steaming piles of crap. We at the Superversive team are capable of the same thing, and on that note, I’d like to tell you why the Netflix American Death Note film is an insult to the […]
Even in my critiques of “Jessica Jones” I always make sure to point out that the conflict driving the plot is an excellent one, a terrific cat and mouse thriller: Jessica Jones needs to find a way to catch Kilgrave and prove that he can control people with the sound of his voice, except that […]
Russell Newquist begins his Prodigal Son urban fantasy series with War Demons. * * * * * When he came home, so did they… Driven by vengeance, Michael Alexander enlisted in the Army the day after 9/11. Five years later, disillusioned and broken by the horrors he […]
I am not a fan of Seth McFarlane. I find Family Guy about 95% annoying, 4% dumb, and about 1% funny. I can’t stand even the commercials for American Dad, so I’ve never given it a shot, except where someone is watching it in the break room at work. So it was really weird to me when I […]
I admit it. I wasn’t exactly thrilled with Astounding Frontiers kicking off three different serials in the first issue. But now that I have the second issue in hand, I’ll tell you. The first thing I did was go check up on Haroun and Zira in Ben Wheeler’s “In the Seraglio of the Shiek of […]
I know I already talked about “Justified” once, and I know it’s not sci-fi or fantasy, but I recently re-watched an episode titled “Peace of Mind”, and…trust me. This is worth the digression. While the critical consensus tends to disagree, real fans know that the high point of the show is the final three episodes […]
Mass Effect: Andromeda is a failure. A massive failure. A failure so large, the company shuttered the “Mass Effect” series entirely and even shut down the studio that made it. You see… It only sold three million copies. Three. Million. Copies. Of a game that costs $60 apiece, and requires a $400+ piece of equipment […]
This was originally written in 2015, but it seemed an appropriate time to repost it. I’m just a little behind, I know. But sitting next to me right now is a great book called “Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction”. In there a writer named Deserina Boskovich says this about the ending of […]
No, “Justified” is not science fiction or fantasy. It hasn’t really been on anybody’s radar recently. It ended a couple of years ago now. So why am I talking about it? Because it is AWESOME, and nobody noticed it! So what is “Justified”? Well, it’s a cop show, I guess. Really a neo-western, but set […]
You know, all the time, I see a lot of guys on the pulp rev side of the crowd express confusion about what superversive is supposed to be. Some go as far as to say that we’re being inconsistent or don’t have a clear idea. I’ve even seen some say that it’s not possible to […]
The broader pulp and pulp-adjacent scene continues to grow! First there was Cirsova Magazine. Then Puppy of the Month Book Club, Lyonesse, Bryce Beattie’s Story Hack, and PulpRev.com. Now there’s Astounding Frontiers. This opening issue has brought out the big guns with serials from Castalia House regulars Nick Cole and John C. Wright. And if you wanted […]
The other day, after taking the Hogwarts Express to Camp Half-Blood, I took the magic Wardrobe straight through Mirkwood, used the secret tunnel to find the Mole’s home, guarded by Rat, and finally emerged to find myself in the super-secret headquarters of team Superversive. (Note: I may have left out some key locations on the […]