Normally, I use this space to talk about short fiction from the pulps to tell folks what kind of awesome stories were being told in magazines from the days of yore. Today, I’m taking a quick break to tell folks what kind of awesome stories are being told in Issue #2 of Cirsova Heroic Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine.
Cover by Jabari Weathers, The Sealed City
The Sealed City, by Adrian Cole – Adrian Cole revisits the setting of his classic Dream Lords cycle for the first time since the 1970s! Witchfinder Arrul Voruum makes a journey to a recovering Earth to root out a nest of evil from a bygone era.
Hoskins’ War, by Brian K. Lowe – Cirsova veteran Brian K. Lowe tells the story of a Continental Army captain who, while harrying the British rear column, finds a nightmarish pre-human subterranean city where a shapeshifter has spirited away a young woman.
Squire Errant, by Karl Gallagher – Planetary Award winner Karl Gallagher shifts from hard sci-fi to fantasy. A young squire must step up to the challenge and teach a village to defend against and hunt down the monster that terrorizes the countryside and killed his master.
The Water Walks Tonight, by S.H. Mansouri – Vikings fighting draugr. Need I say more?
Shark Fighter, by Michael Tierney – The stakes are high during a supernatural life and death struggle between a dive photographer and one of the most powerful killers of deep.
My Name is John Carter (Part 2), by James Hutchings – James Hutchings continues his long-form retelling of A Princess of Mars.
Variant cover by 2016 Hugo Nominee Ku Kuru Yo. (Yes, that is /V/ with Vivian James on Mars.)
Images of the Goddess, by Schuyler Hernstrom – This novella has wizards, monks, nomads, space ships, haunted jungles, talking apes, insect-men, zombies and more! You won’t want to miss this wild ride in the sci-fi tradition of Jack Vance.
Rescuing Women, by Kristine Katheryn Rusch – This essay by multi-award-winning author KK Rusch takes a fascinating look at the multi-generational erasure of women in science fiction, both writers and characters, all done in the name of promoting and advancing women in science fiction!
Pre-order your copy of issue 2 today!
Short Reviews will return next week with Captain Midas by Alfred Coppel, Jr.!
Beautiful stuff and covers. Went for both hardbacks.
Thanks! You won’t be disappointed. The proof copy I got looks and feels really nice.
The first issue of Cirsova was fantastic. Really looking forward to reading what else you’ve got in store for us.
I backed this project on the strength of the first issue. The world needs more great shorts like the ones in Cirsova.
I bought the Kindle Edition on my phone. It’s small so I have to flip the pages quite a bit but it is worth it.
The stories are top notch (so far) and I feel like I just got my latest edition of Weird Tales in the mail. It is full of old school greatness. If you keep putting these out in e-format I’ll keep buying them!
Thanks for all of the kind words, everyone! We’ll continue to do our best to bring great and exciting new content!
Since C.L. Moore features heavily in the non-fiction portions of upcoming issues (KK Rusch’s article and Jeffro’s piece on The Best of C.L. Moore in issue 3), my Black God anthology has moved to the top of my reading list.