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Ebook formats –

Ebook formats

All e-book formats offered here at are free of DRM. Additionally, the EPUB format is safe from vendor lock-in in the future, because it is an open format developed by International Digital Publishing Forum, instead of any particular corporation. Downloading your e-book in this format guarantees that you will be able to read your book as long as you have the file, using free and open source apps.

To read EPUB, the easiest and most widely available way is to upload it to your Google Books account, which you get free of charge from Google if you have a Gmail address. When you have one, simply go to My Books and use the Upload files -button. Please note that it takes a few minutes for Google to process the file and add it to your library. The advantage to using Google Books is that you have a uniform reading experience over all your devices, including PC, Android, Windows Phone, Mac and portable Apple devices with iOS 5.0 or higher. Each device will update your current page number when you use one of them.

Other alternatives include Calibre for PC and Mac, and Aldiko for Android. Apple’s iBooks, available on all Apple products, also supports EPUB.

For books that require more advanced formatting than EPUB currently supports, we offer the PDF format. All PDF files downloaded from our store are free of DRM.