Issue 5 cover by Ben A. Rodriguez
We are reaching the end of our 2017 subscription drive, and while we have long since been “funded”, we are trying to expand our reader base. That is why a digital subscription to Cirsova will only cost you $1.
There are a lot of reasons why you should check us out.
Castalia House blog contributor Misha Burnett’s Eldritch Earth Geophysical Society teamed up with us for our spring issue. We’re giving Lovecraft fans a break from New Mythos and Cthululz with high adventure stories set on Lovecraft’s pre-historic alien earth.
We’ve got a new Schuyler Hernstrom novella with lizardmen, dinosaurs, ray guns and spaceships.
Adrian Cole is continuing his Dream Lords saga with us with two new installments. We’re thrilled to offer a home to the ongoing expansion of his classic post-apocalyptic sword & planet series.
Issue 6 Cover by Ku Kuru Yo
We have some fanservice for those who’ve been with us for awhile, with the return of Othan the mercenary, Captain Anchor Brown, and Ch’Or, Prince of Mars, plus more of James Hutchings’ ongoing adaptation of A Princess of Mars.
Cirsova offers an escape from politics, fandom or otherwise. Our ideological bent is to deliver good stories where exciting things happen.
All of the money we make from Cirsova and then some goes back into the magazine to acquire content. Last year, when John E. Boyle bought our back cover ad slot for his novel Queen’s Heir, that money immediately went into a check we cut for an author whose story we’d liked but didn’t previously have the budget to make an offer on. Think of it this way: for every $75 we make that didn’t go to print costs, we can afford to buy a 5k word short story, so if you take out a quarter page ad with us, you’ve just paid for about half of a story.
We hope to continue for a long time to come as an author-supporting market, but to do that we need to grow our readership. So, if you want to find out what all the buzz has been about, feel free to kick a dollar our way. You won’t regret it.
Pre-orders/subscriptions via Kickstarter will be open until midnight next Friday. Our spring issue (issue 5) will be out at the end of March.
Short Reviews will return next week.
This is looking good! The PulpRev keeps blasting and slashing forward, one entertaining story at a time.
If you haven’t given Cirsova magazine a look yet, please give it a shot. You don’t know what you are missing; any one of the issues published so far has got more SF&F pulp goodness than you will see just about anywhere else in the past 10 years.
Give Cirsova a try. At $1 a digital subscription, how can you go wrong?
I’ll point out that if $1 for two issues seems unfair, you can pay more. I went digital because I’ve been letting paper books stack up, but I put in $10.
For those that haven’t read Cirsova yet, you’re missing out.
Recently read Adrian Cole’s Cirvosa submissions and had a good conversation with him ( and I’ll post a conversation with Schuyler Hernstrom in the near future. Two writers, one veteran and one new to the scene with different influences but both produce highly entertaining stories.
Also talking with Misha now which confirms my initial impression that Cirsova has attracted some serious talent. A couple great issues coming up.
Ok y’all persuaded me. I threw in a couple bucks to see what this Cirsova is all about.