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Geek Gab’s Pulp Extravaganza! –

Geek Gab’s Pulp Extravaganza!

Sunday , 30, April 2017 6 Comments

This is an awesome, awesome show loaded with commentary, discussion, analysis, and speculation. We mention a great many blog posts as we cruise through this, so to help you keep up, here’s a roundup:

There’s probably more, but these posts account for where the lion’s share of the discussion is coming from. And this is only going to keep getting bigger! So do your part:

READ the posts! LISTEN to Geek Gab! WRITE reviews and pulp fiction!

This is going to be epic!!!

  • deuce says:

    As Jon Mollison noted, being there as the Gab streams and being able to comment makes it even more fun. Of course, that means you really have to listen AGAIN to catch things missed while posting, but that’s no hardship.

    Diggin’ the Snake Mother pic. Not sure I’ve seen that one.

  • Ron Van Wegen says:

    Um, not all those links are working 🙁 e.g. J.C. Wright plus others.

  • keith says:

    I’m still hoping that JCW will find some time to review more BAF titles for this blog, however infrequent those reviews might be.

  • I think I already asked, but I don’t remember what you said. Will Appendix N be available in physical book form?

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