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Submission formats –

Submission formats

Sunday , 23, February 2014 Leave a comment

In addition to PDF, we are adding EPUB to our list of format-preferred submissions. However, we still require all of the relevant information to be included in a single file and we would prefer it if submitters would recognize the following xhtml-formatting conventions:

  • —TEXT— should be —TEXT—
  • TEXT– should be TEXT–
  • should be …
  • …. should be ….
  • <i>TEXT</i> should be <em>TEXT</em>

If you are using Sigil, remember to ALWAYS MAKE ALL CHANGES IN CODE VIEW.  Do not do ANYTHING in Book View. Changes made in Book View permit auto-formatting to occur, which is most definitely NOT a good thing.

We’re not going to hold it against any author who doesn’t know how to properly format an epub, but if you don’t, we would recommend that you simply submit in PDF. Epubs are very handy, but it is distracting to the readers to have to wade through weirdly formatted submissions.