This is to announce a regular new feature here at Castalia House, which is a weekly post devoted to board-and-counter wargames. It will occasionally branch out into the discussion of computer wargames as well, but the emphasis will always be on traditional turn-based wargames. A team of five writers working under an editor – who, I hasten to add, is not me – will be contributing weekly in-depth articles on pretty much anything relevant that strikes their fancy. Since all of them are longtime wargamers, and several are proper grognards, I expect Wargame Wednesdays to be of interest to anyone who is even remotely interested in wargames, and may even convince a few hardy novices to dip their toes into the deep end of gaming.
As for me, I’m presently overdue to get my plotting for the second turn of Fifth Frontier War done, I’m eagerly anticipating the third edition of Divine Right being published by Excalibre next year, and I was absolutely delighted, and astounded, to discover that Excalibre Games (PDF) somehow has no less than EIGHT original Metagames still available. Apparently the owner discovered them in a warehouse, forgotten for over two decades, and managed to acquire all of them new-in-the-box.
Needless to say, I promptly ordered all eight. The surviving games are Ram Speed, Fire When Ready, Rommel’s Panzers, Stalin’s Tanks, Rivets, Warpwar, Trailblazer, and Dragons of Underearth.
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