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WARGAME WEDNESDAY: The Wargamer’s Take on Eurogaming –

WARGAME WEDNESDAY: The Wargamer’s Take on Eurogaming

Wednesday , 10, August 2016 3 Comments

The Player’s Aid puts out some of the best wargaming content around. I was glad at first to see that they were branching out into other types of board games, because really… I do want to know what’s going on outside of the hard core wargaming scene. But hey, I don’t mind hearing about that stuff from someone that plays real games, too:

Painted on theme – as stated above, I like Sci-Fi but would love to see the theme better integrated into gameplay.

Lack of Player Interaction – this is one of those games where I almost don’t care what my opponents are doing. I am simply focused on my strategy and obtaining the right combination of buildings. The limited interaction from the use of the Pirate card was good but as soon as we all built Chain Link Fences, the attacks stopped! I’d like to see some form of trading between players or ability to attack or limit other players buildings.

You know, when I say “real game” there I don’t mean it in the “manly man monster game that puts hair on your chest” sense. I mean that losing theme and player interaction pushes the limits on what I’d actually accept as a definition of the term! Still… I like how the cover art is reminiscent of the old Robotech factory model kit. And that dice mechanic is the bee’s knees. But if we’re playing a game called “Colony”, I’ll still want to know how to burn my opponents’ stuff to the ground.

Granted, you see wargames going out of their way to incorporate both solitaire and cooperative scenarios more and more lately. There’s a reason for that, too. But I’ll never shake the feeling that Euro style games are “games” designed for people that don’t actually like games.

PaxSims (Simulations)

Inside GMT (GMT Games)

Castalia House (Wargames)

Real and Simulated Wars (JC)

Ludic Futurism (Brian Train)


War in a Box (Warren Abox)

The Players Aid (Grant A. Kleinhenz)

  • There are plenty of Euros with player interaction. Also, Player’s Aid looked at the D+D game from GF9 and not their Star Trek: Ascendancy? ST:A was amazing. Check it out.

    • Jeffro says:

      I should really try to get Lewis Pulspher on to break down the difference between modern Euros and classic wargames. The definition of RPGs went over so well, after all…!

  • Lewis has some very definite and well thought out ideas. I don’t necessarily agree with them, but I can appreciate them. I enjoy his puzzle/game differentiation, but am not certain it’s entirely accurate; it is again, well thought out.

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