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And now for something completely different –

And now for something completely different

Sunday , 11, January 2015 3 Comments

Castalia House is a publisher of books, but we are also a developer of games. So that is why we are pleased to be able to announce that the Castalia House bookstore will also be carrying digital versions of various games we consider to be of high quality and potential interest to our readers in the new Games section. The first games we are offering here are published by Castalia House author Ken Burnside, who contributed “The Hot Equations: Thermodynamics and Military Science Fiction” to Riding the Red Horse. He is also Castalia’s newest blogger, where he’ll be focusing on various aspects of game development, from general analysis and history to in-depth design and mechanics.

BoP01_256The first three games available from Castalia House are Attack Vector: Tactical, the Origins Award winning game of hard science space combat, Squadron Strike, a comprehensive ship- and weapon-design system for space combat games, and Birds of Prey: Air Combat in the Jet Age a revolutionary jet combat game. We also have received permission to make Marc Miller’s Fifth Frontier War available in EPUB format in combination with the VASSAL module created for it; it will be announced sometime next month when it is ready.

  • Darius says:

    First of all – excellent. I was already planning on getting AV and Squadron Strike.

    As to the FFW… I had the CT complete set courtesy of the FFE CD-ROM

    It included the FFW rules – quite a passable copy at that.

    The image of the unit chits is crud. Low res, compression artifacts, and having contacted Marc, apparently they don’t have better ones available.

    So I started doing my own.In part because I could get bigger chits out of it.

    So the questions now are twofold – will the new edition of the rules have any changed elements to the rules?

    And also – will there be a better image template for the chits?

    I’d likely end up playing under vassal anyway, but I

  • castaliahouse says:

    1. No new rules.

    2. No image template. Graphics will be in the module.

  • Danny says:

    This is welcome news. Looking forward to some awesome gaming. Thank you to everyone at Castalia House for all the joy you continue to bring fellow readers & gamers. You have my most sincere gratitude!

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